6 research outputs found


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    Today\u27s rapidly changing era and the resulting demands bring into focus aspects related to children\u27s education already from preschool, as this is the age when the basic qualities are formed and the foundations are laid for skills that are important for future development and self-fulfillment. The creativity and entrepreneurship of a preschool child is the ability to create new ideas and look for alternative solutions for their implementation, the readiness to act and finish what has been started, overcoming obstacles and showing initiative. The aim of the paper is to analyze the possibilities of development and assessment of the child\u27s creativity and entrepreneurship in a preschool educational institution. The paper identifies the criteria and indicators for the assessment of the child\u27s creativity and entrepreneurship, offers a model for the development of this skill in a preschool educational institution, and analyses the results of its approbation.

    Decentralization of Social Services in Aging Population of Lithuania

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    Visuomenės senėjimas yra viena didžiausių problemų, su kuriomis susiduria beveik visos pasaulio valstybės, tarp jų ir Lietuva. Didėjant pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenų skaičiui, didėja ir socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų minėto tipo asmenims, poreikis. Centrinė valdžia deleguoja savivaldybėms didžiąją dalį atsakomybės už socialinių paslaugų pagyvenusiems asmenims organizavimą. Decentralizuojant paslaugų teikimą yra įžvelgiama daugiau privalumų, negu paslaugas teikiant centralizuotai. Savivaldybė planuoja, organizuoja, teikia paslaugas, bei devoliucijos būdu priima sprendimus, susijusius su socialinių paslaugų teikimu. Socialinės paslaugos pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenims yra šio magistrinio darbo objektas. Darbo tikslas – remiantis decentralizacijos teorine prieiga, ištirti paslaugų, teikiamų pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenims, poreikį bei tobulinimo galimybes demografinio senėjimo kontekste. Remiantis tikslu išskirti šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti decentralizacijos teorinę prieigą, jos tipologiją, rūšis ir tipus; išnagrinėti visuomenės senėjimo procesą, pagrindines jo priežastis, pasekmes, dėl šio proceso kylančias problemas; išstudijuoti Lietuvos socialinių paslaugų teisinę bazę, teikimo rūšis bei formas; įvertinti socialinių paslaugų pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenims decentralizaciją devoliuciniu, administraciniu bei finansiniu aspektais; atlikti socialinių paslaugų vyresnio amžiaus asmenims poreikio nustatymo bei tobulinimo galimybių analizę; identifikuoti problemas, su kuriomis susiduriama teikiant socialines paslaugas pagyvenusiems asmenims. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys: pirmoje darbo dalyje pristatoma decentralizacijos teorinė prieiga, pagrindiniai jos tipai. Antroje dalyje išanalizuotas visuomenės senėjimo procesas, bei pagrindiniai teisės aktai, kuriais remiantis yra teikiamos socialinės paslaugos pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenims. Trečioje dalyje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai, kuriame atskleidžiama socialinių paslaugų decentralizacija administraciniu, devoliuciniu ir fiskaliniu aspektais. Atliekant tyrimą buvo naudotas kokybinis (interviu) metodas, kurio metu kovo-balandžio mėnesiais apklausta 18 respondentų. Tyrimo metu buvo siekta ištirti socialinių paslaugų pagyvenusio amžiaus asmenims decentralizaciją skirtingais aspektais, identifikuoti problemas, su kuriomis susiduriama teikiant paslaugas, bei atlikti socialinių paslaugų tobulinimo galimybių analizę. Atlikus tyrimą buvo nustatyta, kad paslaugų teikimo sistemoje yra daug trūkumų, tačiau dažnai savivaldybės nėra linkusios jų įvardinti. Pagrindinės problemos, su kuriomis susiduriama yra nepakankamas finansavimas iš centrinio biudžeto, bei nepakankama paslaugų infrastruktūra. Norint spręsti minėtas problemas reikia ieškoti kuo įvairesnių būdų ne tik tokio tipo paslaugų finansavimui, bet ir jų teikimui.Aging of the population is one of the biggest problems faced by almost all countries of the world, one of them – Lithuania. Increasing number of elderly persons causes to increase social services needs for them. Most of the responsibility for social services provided to elder people are delegated to municipalities by central government. Decentralization of services is seen more advantageous than the provision in a centralized manner. The municipality plans, organizes and in devolution way makes decisions related to the social services for elderly people’s provision. Social services for elderly persons is the subject of master thesis. The aim of the work – investigate needs and improvements in social services in demographic aging context by using theoretical decentralization approach. Following tasks are excluded based on aim of the work: analyze decentralization theoretical approach, the typology and forms of decentralization; to examine the aging process, the main reasons therefore, the consequences of the problems arising from this kind of process; to study legal framework of the social services in Lithuania, provision of the types and forms; to evaluate the decentralization of the socials services for elderly persons by the aspects of devolution, administrative and fiscal decentralization; to implement the analysis of the social services for older persons, determine demand and improve opportunities for development; identify the problems encountered in the provision of social services for elderly people. This work is composed of three parts: the first part presents the theoretical approach of decentralization, the basic types of this process. In the second part is analyzed the process of population aging, and the main legislation which is based on delivery of social services to elderly persons. In the third part results of research are provided, which discloses decentralization of social services by the aspects of administration, devolution and fiscal. Research for this paper was conducted using Qualitative (interview) method. During the March-April 18 respondents were interviewed. During the research was aimed to investigate the different kind of aspects of decentralization to socials services for elderly persons, identify the problems encountered in the provision of services, and to carry out the analysis of improvement opportunities for social services. Conducted investigation reveals that the provision of social services for elderly people has many shortcomings, but municipalities often are reluctant to name them. The main problems are lack of funding from central budget and the lack of infrastructure. In order to solve the above problems, wide range of ways has to be discovered, not only in the services funding, but also in the delivery of this kind of social services.Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakult.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta


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    Nowdays the child is identified as a personality and the attention to the various ways of child’s development is focused on. A new teaching curriculum based on cross-curricular skills has been introduced in new teaching syllabus. One of the cross-curricular skills is creation and business acumen, which can also be called a creativity as one of the aspects characterizing a child in the implementation of pre-school education content, along with curiosity and joy of life. It is essentially to find out what another pre-school teachers think about the development of children's creativity in pre-school to  evaluate the main factors influencing children's creativityThe aim of the article is to clarify the experience of teachers in developing creation and business acumen skills in pre-school. By studying the literature and analyzing the results of  questionnaires, it is found that to develop children’s creation and business acumen in pre-school educational institutions it is important to take into account each child's individual characteristics and to make an appropriate environment. The teacher must be competent enough to be able to promote each child's creativity and business acume and to make a learning environment where the child can express himself / herself freely and creatively

    Regulation of alcohol outlets: experiences of the First and Second Republic of Lithuania

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    In 1928-1931, annual consumption of legal pure alcohol per capita was just 1.17 litres, while in 2014 the alcohol consumption per capita was 12.7 litres. The alcohol outlet density is one of the most significant factors for the indicators of alcohol consumption. The aim of this paper is to compare the characteristics of the regulation of retail alcohol outlets in the First (1918-1940) and Second (1990-2015) Republic of Lithuania. The goals are the following: to evaluate the aspects of alcohol outlet density, expiration dates and issue conditions of seller licences, and the maintenance of public order of seller licence usage as well as assurance of safety in the neighbourhoods, and to determine the period of Seimas (governing parties) ruling during which fundamental changes occurred in the liberalization or prohibition with regards to regulation of alcohol outlets. The paper is based on the method of document analysis. It was determined that the regulation of alcohol outlets was much stricter in the period of the First Republic of Lithuania than in the period of the Second Republic. In the First Republic of Lithuania, the regulation of the density of alcohol outlets was connected to the assurance of public safety and prevention of noise, the community was involved in the regulation of the density of alcohol outlets, the density of alcohol outlets was regulated, the prohibited distances were defined between alcohol outlets and places of worship, cemeteries, healthcare and education establishments or other institutions significant to the public, the issued licences were short-term, for the period of one year. Even though in the period of the ruling of Antanas Smetona in 1934 the alcohol outlet regulation was liberalized, eliminating the influence of residents and municipalities on the issuing of licences, alcohol outlet regulation still remained stricter than in the period of the Second Republic of Lithuania. In 2002, the social-democratic coalition, which had the majority in the government, strongly liberalized the alcohol outlet regulation: it abolished any regulation of alcohol outlet density, eliminated short-term licences and authorised alcohol sales in sanatoriums, kiosks and petrol stations. Only the political group of Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian democrats, which had the majority in the Seimas of 2008-2012, managed to prohibit sales in kiosks and petrol stations, but the density remained unregulated, the licences were still short-term, the licencing was unconnected to public safety and assurance of public order, and the community’s influence was restricted only to expression of opinion on the issuing of new alcohol seller licences in the blocks of flats they reside in. It is recommended to connect alcohol outlet regulation with public safety and assurance of public order, to regulate outlet density, to issue short-term licences, and to empower the residents to participate in the alcohol outlet regulation.Straipsnyje lyginamas Pirmosios (1918–1940) ir Antrosios Lietuvos Respublikos (1990–2015) mažmeninės alkoholio prekybos vietų reguliavimas. Nustatyta, kad reguliavimas Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu buvo gerokai griežtesnis nei Antrosios. Pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje alkoholio vietų tankio reguliavimas buvo sietinas su visuomenės saugumo užtikrinimu ir žalos prevencija, į reguliavimą buvo įtraukta bendruomenė, apibrėžti prekybos alkoholiu atstumai nuo maldos namų, kapinių, sveikatos ir ugdymo įstaigų, kitų visuomenei svarbių institucijų, leidimai išduodami terminuoti. Nors 1934 m. (A. Smetonos valdymo laikotarpiu) alkoholio vietų reguliavimas buvo liberalizuotas, panaikinta gyventojų ir savivaldybių įtaka išduodant leidimus, tačiau pats reguliavimas išliko griežtesnis nei Antrosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu. 2002 m. valdžioje daugumą turėjusi socialdemokratinė koalicija kalbamąjį procesą labai liberalizavo: panaikino bet kokį alkoholio vietų tankio reguliavimą, terminuotas licencijas, leido prekiauti alkoholiniais gėrimais sanatorijose, kioskuose, degalinėse. Tik 2008–2012 m. Seime daugumą turėjusi Tėvynės sąjungos-Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų frakcija sugebėjo uždrausti prekybą kioskuose ir degalinėse, tačiau tankis išliko nereguliuotas

    Regulation of alcohol outlets: experiences of the First and Second Republic of Lithuania

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    Straipsnyje lyginamas Pirmosios (1918–1940) ir Antrosios Lietuvos Respublikos (1990–2015) mažmeninės alkoholio prekybos vietų reguliavimas. Nustatyta, kad reguliavimas Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu buvo gerokai griežtesnis nei Antrosios. Pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje alkoholio vietų tankio reguliavimas buvo sietinas su visuomenės saugumo užtikrinimu ir žalos prevencija, į reguliavimą buvo įtraukta bendruomenė, apibrėžti prekybos alkoholiu atstumai nuo maldos namų, kapinių, sveikatos ir ugdymo įstaigų, kitų visuomenei svarbių institucijų, leidimai išduodami terminuoti. Nors 1934 m. (A. Smetonos valdymo laikotarpiu) alkoholio vietų reguliavimas buvo liberalizuotas, panaikinta gyventojų ir savivaldybių įtaka išduodant leidimus, tačiau pats reguliavimas išliko griežtesnis nei Antrosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu. 2002 m. valdžioje daugumą turėjusi socialdemokratinė koalicija kalbamąjį procesą labai liberalizavo: panaikino bet kokį alkoholio vietų tankio reguliavimą, terminuotas licencijas, leido prekiauti alkoholiniais gėrimais sanatorijose, kioskuose, degalinėse. Tik 2008–2012 m. Seime daugumą turėjusi Tėvynės sąjungos-Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų frakcija sugebėjo uždrausti prekybą kioskuose ir degalinėse, tačiau tankis išliko nereguliuotasIn 1928-1931, annual consumption of legal pure alcohol per capita was just 1.17 litres, while in 2014 the alcohol consumption per capita was 12.7 litres. The alcohol outlet density is one of the most significant factors for the indicators of alcohol consumption. The aim of this paper is to compare the characteristics of the regulation of retail alcohol outlets in the First (1918-1940) and Second (1990-2015) Republic of Lithuania. The goals are the following: to evaluate the aspects of alcohol outlet density, expiration dates and issue conditions of seller licences, and the maintenance of public order of seller licence usage as well as assurance of safety in the neighbourhoods, and to determine the period of Seimas (governing parties) ruling during which fundamental changes occurred in the liberalization or prohibition with regards to regulation of alcohol outlets. The paper is based on the method of document analysis. It was determined that the regulation of alcohol outlets was much stricter in the period of the First Republic of Lithuania than in the period of the Second Republic. In the First Republic of Lithuania, the regulation of the density of alcohol outlets was connected to the assurance of public safety and prevention of noise, the community was involved in the regulation of the density of alcohol outlets, the density of alcohol outlets was regulated, the prohibited distances were defined between alcohol outlets and places of worship, cemeteries, healthcare and education establishments or other institutions significant to the public, the issued licences were short-term, for the period of one year. Even though in the period of the ruling of Antanas Smetona in 1934 the alcohol outlet regulation was liberalized, eliminating the influence of residents and municipalities on the issuing of licences, alcohol outlet regulation still remained stricter than in the period of the Second Republic of Lithuania. [...]Viešojo administravimo katedraVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta